Medical Director

Dr. Thomas A. Gionis, MD JD
Dr. Thomas A. Gionis has been a practicing physician and surgeon for 40 years. He is recognized as the youngest individual in the United States to have obtained his MD degree. After completing high school at 16, Dr. Thomas A. Gionis started medical school at 17 years of age (having completed 3 ½ years of college in one year), and obtained his M.D. medical degree at 21.
Dr. Thomas A. Gionis is a Physician, Attorney, Public Health specialist, and United States Fulbright Scholar in Law, and frequent lecturer, world-wide, for seminars and conferences sponsored by the United Nations UNESCO organization. Dr. Gionis serves as President and Chairman of the Board, Fulbright Academy of Law, Peace and Public Health in Washington, DC ( and also serves as United States Fulbright PEER Review Committee – Global / Public Health.
Primary Investigators

Dr. Maria V. Gomez, MD

Dr. Jose G. Alvarez, MD

Dr. Ramon A. Rodriguez, MD

Maria D. Rodriguez, ARNP.

Zuzel Gazcon, ARNP.

Zaide Laurido, ARNP.

Mercedes Ferrera, ARNP.
Mental Health

Panni Diaz, LMHC
Mental Health Counsler

Eduardo Gonzalez
Mental Health Quality Assurance

Brenda Martel
Mental Health Therapist
Coordinators & Staff
Luis M. Perez, CRC
Clinical Research Coordinator

Talia Gonzalez, CRC
Clinical Research Coordinator

Ivonne Alverez
Front Desk
Our team of board-certified physicians (totaling 4) and their broad spectrum of specialties bring a complement of expertise and a high number of desirable multiethnic patients under one organization.
Each physician has a private clinic with a team of healthcare professionals and are on the staff of more than one hospital. All their clinic locations are within a five-mile radius of the designated site for the conduct of clinical research activities. All associates have the research experience that allows clinical studies to receive individual attention and flexibility to meet your special needs. Our dedicated research team is composed of 5 investigators/coordinators, 4 APRNs, 3 phlebotomists.